martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Indotel Inaugura CCI en la Gran Logia de la Republica Dominicana

En la mañana de hoy y con la presencia del Dr. Jose Rafael vargas, Secretario de Estado y Presidente del Consejo Directivo del Indotel, fue inaugurado en la primera planta del edificio de la GLRD a las 10 y media de este caluroso dia de comienzo del otoño tropical, el Centro de Capacitacion en Informatica, que dara servicio a todos los estudiantes de Ciudad Nueva.
Asistieron tambien muchos hermanos masones de als diferentes logias del oriente nacional, asi como varias decenas de jovenes estudiantes del Colegio Masonico Dr. Jaime Manuel Fernandez, de la comunidada de Villa Faro., de la Provincia de Santo Domingo Este.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Gran Logia de Chipre Felicita instalacion nuevo Gran Maestro de la Gran Logia de la RD

Gran Logia de Chipre Felicita instalación nuevo Gran Maestro de la Gran Logia de la Republica Dominicana el 7 de junio de 2009.

Publicación en el foro masónico anglófono GLOBALMASONS

Publicación en el foro masónico anglófono GLOBALMASONS

Topics in this digest:

From: Miguel SAVIÑÓN

Posted by: "Miguel SAVIÑÓN" agni3333
Date: Sun Jun 7, 2009 5:17 pm ((PDT))


Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic, Inc.

Grand Commission of Foreign Relations


It is a pleasure to announce that today, Sunday, June 7th, 2009, C.E., the Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic, Inc., convened in Biennial Grand Electoral Assembly, elected and installed the members of its Grand Council who will direct Dominican Freemasonry for the term 2009-2011, as follows:

Grand Master………………………….... Edy Federico Peña Baret

Deputy Grand Master………………….Hugo Alfonso Paulino Guzmán

Grand Senior Warden ………………..Adalberto Ungría Soto Peña

Grand Junior Warden…....……….….Juan Pablo Rodríguez

Grand Orator…..….………………….… César Durán

Grand Secretary….…………………….. Alfredo Guerra

Grand Treasurer………..……………… Ghassan Zeidan

Grand Hospitalier……..……………….. Juan Rosado Paula

First Ceremonial Master………………. Gregorio Antonio Cáceres

With greetings,

Sincere and fraternally,

Miguel Angel Saviñón Antoni

Grand Commissioner of Foreign Relations

Gran Logia Soberana de Malta felicita al nuevo Gran Maestro y Gran Consejo

Felicitación al nuevo Gran Maestro y Gran Consejo de parte de la Gran Logia Soberana de Malta, la cual además otorga reconocimiento oficial a la Gran Logia de la República Dominicana y solicita reconcimiento recíproco.

Monday, 08 June 2009

Grand Commissioner of Foreign Relations,
Miguel Angel Saviñón Antoni
Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic.

Dear Bro Grand Commissioner,
Most Worshipful Bro. Joseph P Cordina, Grand Master of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta extends fraternal greetings to Most Worshipful Bro. Edy Federico Peña Baret, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Dominican Republic.

Thank you for your communication regarding the new Rulers of The Craft in the Dominican Republic. We wish them well.
On behalf of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta, We hereby officially and respectfully request that The Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic extends full and complete Masonic recognition to our Grand Lodge, just as our Grand Lodge extends full and complete Masonic recognition to your Grand Lodge.
The Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America (COGMMNA) held in Calgary in February, 2005 determined that the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta meets all the criteria for
regularity and recognition.
The Basic Masonic Principles that follow form a part of our Constitution.
1. Belief in the G.A.O.T.U. (Great Architect of the Universe) is an essential qualification for membership.
2. All Initiates in Lodges under our Grand Lodge take their Obligations on, or in full view of the open Volume of the Sacred Law, by which is meant the revelation from above which is binding on the conscience of the particular individual who is being initiated.
3. The three great Lights of Freemasonry, namely the volume of the Sacred Law, the Square, and the Compasses, are always exhibited when our Grand Lodge or its Subordinate Lodges are at work, chief of these being the Volume of the Sacred Law.
4. The membership of our Grand Lodge and individual Lodges is composed exclusively of men; and no Masonic relations are had with mixed Lodges or bodies which admit women to membership.
5. Our Grand Lodge was established in Malta on the 18th November 2004 by five Craft Lodges; four under the Grand Lodge of Ireland and one under the United Grand Lodge of England. The Consecration ceremony was conducted by the highest representatives of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, assisted by like representation from the United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Other Grand Lodges which participated in our Consecration Ceremony were: the United Grand Lodges of Germany, the National Grand Lodge of France, the Grand Lodge of Norway, the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy, the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic and the Grand Lodge of Turkey. An updated list of Grand Jurisdictions with whom we are in amity is attached.
6. Our Grand Lodge has sovereign jurisdiction over the Lodges under its control. It is a responsible, independent, self-governing organization, with sole, undisputed and exclusive authority over the Craft or Symbolic Degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason). It is in no way subject to, nor divides authority with a Supreme Council or other Power claiming any control or supervision over those degrees, neither does it extend its authority into, nor establish Lodges in a territory occupied by a lawful Grand Lodge without the express consent of said Grand Lodge.
7. Our Grand Lodge recognizes and believes that the dominant purposes of Freemasonry are charitable, benevolent, and educational. Discussion of sectarian religion and partisan politics is strictly prohibited from all activities under our auspices; and the principles of the Ancient Landmarks, usages and customs are strictly observed.
Your Grand Lodge can send all official mail to our Grand Lodge at P.O. Box 29, St. Julian’s, Malta, and we may also be contacted by e-mail at
We hope for, and look forward to a favorable reply to this request for mutual recognition between our Grand Lodges, and remain

Yours sincerely and fraternally,

Anthony A Pisani – Grand Secretary
Ref: sglom/09/056

As of 8th June 2009, the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta is in amity with the following Grand Jurisdictions:

Grand Lodge of Alabama (USA)
Grand Lodge of Alaska (USA)
Grand Lodge of Alberta (Can)
Grand Lodge of Andorra
Grand Lodge of Arkansas
Grand Lodge of Arizona (USA)
Grand Lodge of Armenia
Grand Lodge of Austria
Grand Lodge of Belgium
Grand Lodge of Bosnia & Herzegovina
Grand Orient of Brazil
United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria
Grand Lodge of Colorado (USA)
Grand Lodge of Congo
Grand Lodge of Connecticut (USA)
Grand Lodge of Croatia
Grand Lodge of Czech Rep.
Grand Lodge of Denmark
United Grand Lodge of England
Grand Lodge of Estonia
Grand Lodge of Finland
Grand Lodge of Florida (USA)
National Grand Lodge of France
Grand Lodge of Georgia (USA)
United Grand Lodges of Germany
Grand Lodge of Greece
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary
Grand Lodge of Iceland
Grand Lodge of India
Grand Lodge of Ireland
Grand Lodge of Iran ( in exile)
Grand Lodge of Israel
Grand Lodge of Italy (Reg.)
Grand Lodge of Lithuania
Grand Lodge of Latvia
Grand Lodge of Luxembourg
Grand Lodge of Macedonia
Grand Lodge of Maine
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
Grand Lodge of Mato Grosso
Grand Lodge of Minnesota (USA)
Grand East of the Netherlands
Grand Lodge of New Jersey (USA)
Grand Lodge of New S Wales
Grand Lodge of New York (USA)
Grand Lodge of Ontario
Grand Lodge of Oregon
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania (USA)
Grand Lodge of Portugal
Grand Lodge of Queensland
Grand Lodge of Romania
Grand Lodge of Russia
Grand Lodge of San Marino
United Grand Lodge of Serbia
Grand Lodge of Scotland
Grand Lodge of South Australia
Grand Lodge of Slovenia
Grand Lodge of Spain
Grand Lodge of Sweden
Grand Lodge of Switzerland (Alpina)
Grand Lodge of Tasmania
Grand Lodge of Texas (USA)
Grand Lodge of Turkey
Grand Lodge of Utah (USA)
Grand Lodge of Vermont (USA)
Grand Lodge of Victoria
Grand Lodge of Virginia (USA)
Grand Lodge of Washington (USA)
Grand Lodge of Washington DC (USA)
Grand Lodge of West Australia
Grand Lodge of West Virginia (USA)

domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Fotos de dia de la Elección del Nuevo Gran Maestro y su Gran Concejo

Gran Logia de la Republica Dominicana elige nuevo Gran Maestro y nuevo Gran Concejo

Gran Logia de la Republica Dominicana elige nuevo Gran Maestro y nuevo Gran Concejo en el dia de hoy 7 de junio de 2009 en Gran Tenida Eleccionaria Bienal en su local de la Arzobispo Portes No. 542 del sector de Ciudad Nueva en Santo DOmingo, D.N.

Bella foto de grupo presente en el dia de ghoy acompañado del Hno.: Eddy Peña, nuevo Gran Maestro de la Gran Logia de la República Dominicana elegido por unanimidad de la mayoria de los presentes que asistieron a la Gran Tenida Eleccionaria Bienal realizada en el Gran Templo en el dia de hoy 7 de junio 2009.
En el centro podemos apreciar al nuevo Gran Maestro, al Pasado gran maestro y al Soberano Gran Comendador al muy querido hermano Dr. Eduardo Mejia Jabid.

Bella foto de grupo presente en el dia de ghoy acompañado del Hno.: Eddy Peña, nuevo Gran Maestro de la Gran Logia de la República Dominicana elegido por unanimidad de la mayoria de los presentes que asistieron a la Gran Tenida Eleccionaria Bienal realizada en el Gran Templo en el dia de hoy 7 de junio 2009.
En el centro podemos apreciar al nuevo Gran Maestro, al Pasado Gran Maestro y al Soberano Gran Comendador el muy querido hermano Dr. Eduardo Mejia Jabid.

El Muy Querido Hermano Eddy Peña, nuevo Gran Maestro de la Gran Logia de la República Dominicana acompañado de los Venerables Maestros y representatnetes de las 14 logias presentes que lo eligieron a unanimidad.

Los Miembros del nuevo Concejo Directivo de la Gran Logia de la República Dominicana elegido en el día de hoy 7 de junio de 2009 en la sede del mismo. Con la banda azul el Dr. René Miguel Báez Robiou, Pasado Gran Maestro y a su derecha el nuevo Gran Maestro, Licenciado Eddy Federico Peña Baret, el cual es nativo de la ciudad de Moca y Miembro Meritísimo de la Benemérita y Respetable Logia Perseverancia No. 13 de esa misma ciudad.

El Hermano Eddy se desempeñó en los dos últimos años como Gran Orador del antiguo Concejo Directivo de la GLRD.


viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

Gran Asamblea Extraordinaria diciembre 2008

la Gran Logia de la Republica Dominicana, celebro el pasado 8 de diciembre de 2009 una Gran Asamblea Extraordinaria con fines de aprobar el presupuesto del 2009 y para tratar asuntos de interes de las logias hermanas de la jurisdiccion.

Luego de celebrada la Ceremonia de la Gran Asamblea pasamos al Salon de Banquetes donde brindamos entre hermanos y disfrutamos de una merecido almuerzo navideño.